PLPPRs as pleiotropic regulators of neuron growth and excitability

The assembly of neuronal networks involves the generation of axonal branches that ensure the formation of synapses with spatially separated postsynaptic neurons. This process is governed by both cell-autonomous (i.e. intrinsic) factors and extrinsic (i.e. extracellular) cues and is found deregulated in many neurodevelopmental and psychiatric diseases in humans. Neuronal plasma membrane proteins are essential for integrating cell extrinsic and cell intrinsic signals to orchestrate neuronal growth in the developing and adult nervous system. We recently identified that the membrane protein PLPPR3 (alternative name, PRGs; plasticity-related genes) fine-tunes neuronal growth responses by controlling filopodia and axon branch formation in central nervous system neurons. Current work focusses on characterizing the structure and function of PLPPRs in the context of growth responses in the developing and regenerating nervous system.

Key Publications

Fuchs J, Bareesel S, Kroon C, Polyzou A, Eickholt BJ, Leondaritis G. Plasma membrane phospholipid phosphatase-related proteins as pleiotropic regulators of neuron growth and excitability. Front Mol Neurosci 2022;15:984655. DOI: 10.3389/fnmol.2022.984655

Brosig A, Fuchs J, Ipek F, Kroon C, Schrotter S, Vadhvani M, Polyzou A, Ledderose J, van Diepen M, Holzhutter HG, Trimbuch T, Gimber N, Schmoranzer J, Lieberam I, Rosenmund C, Spahn C, Scheerer P, Szczepek M, Leondaritis G, Eickholt BJ. The Axonal Membrane Protein PRG2 Inhibits PTEN and Directs Growth to Branches. Cell Rep 2019;29(7):2028-2040 e2028. DOI:10.1016/j.celrep.2019.10.039

Shannon Bareesel
Cristina Kroon
Willem Bintig
Domonkos Nagy-Herczeg
Vasiliki Syropoulou
Tom Böddeker - Visiting Scientist
George Leondaritis (University of Ioannina, GR)
Patrick Scheerer (Charité, Berlin)
Christian Spahn (Charité, Berlin)
Philip Mertins (BIH Berlin/ MDC Berlin)
Fan Liu (FMP Berlin)
Roland Knorr (Humboldt University Berlin)
Susanne Wegmann (DZNE Berlin)